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Will O'Hara

Licensed Life and

Health Insurance Broker

Written 5/12/2023

Life Insurance

Intro | Should I Take Medicare Now?

|How To Signup For Medicare | Medicare Secondary Options |

I'm Turning 65 But My Spouse Is Not |

Medicare Disability | Medicaid

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What is Life Insurance? 

Life Insurance protects a policy owners loved ones (beneficiaries) in the event of their passing. There are many different types of life insurance depending on your situation.

Final Expense

Final Expense is a type of life insurance designed for older adults who would like to help cover their funeral expenses at the time of their passing. It usually offers a relatively low monthly premium with a benefit that is around the cost of the average funeral.


Full Article: Final Expense Insurance

Term Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance is a type of life insurance that lasts for a predetermined amount of time known as a "term". The benefit will be paid out if the policy owner passes during the term. There is usually no benefit after the term unless the policy has been renewed. 

Term Life tends to have a high payout relative to its' monthly premiums. This option is usually best for young families who want to cover their family without breaking their monthly budget.

Full Article: Term Life Insurance

Long Term Care

Long Term Care insurance is designed to help you cover the costs of nursing homes, home health aides and more as you age. Most people don't know Medicare and health insurance do not cover these services indefinitely and they can be incredibly costly. Long Term Care can help protect your estate and provide you these services if you don't have family and friends to take care of you. 

Full Article: Long Term Care


An annuity is an investment option that can provide a guaranteed income for an individual or their spouse throughout their retirement. It is a great option for those looking for conservative investment options or want to manage their income in retirement. 

Retirement Planning

We partner with the great folks at Retirable to help our clients navigate their finances in retirement. Retirable is a company of fiduciary advisors that give all clients of NJ Life And Health a complimentary financial plan. Retirable's mission is to offer financial and retirement planning to everyone, regardless of their financial situation.

Learn More: Retirable Partnership

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